Friday, July 15, 2016

After War

René Magritte, Belgian, 1898–1967, La boîte de Pandore (Pandora’s box)

It is already too late for any remedy. Atomic bombs have been exploded. Millions of people have died and the entire country is in ruin. He stares at the scarlet sky desperately. Before him, the roads are empty and the whole city is silent, just like the remains of ancient Rome, which he visited before the war.

He hadn’t thought about this disastrous consequence before. The idea of atomic energy was so fascinating that he was absorbed by his research by day and night. He had done massive calculations and countless simulations before he finally announced his invention, a powerful weapon he named "atomic bomb". He became wildly successful and felt flattered about his fame and fortune.

Then the war broke out and ended with the explosion of the bombs. His country won quickly and easily while their enemy lost heavily. However, he isn’t happy at all. It doesn’t mean that he stands on his enemy’s side. He feels guilty. In spite of all kinds of obstructions, he went to the city that suffered most. He was shocked after witnessing people die from his bombs one after another helplessly. Innocent little children died in their dead mother’s arms, tears welled up. Intolerable pain, like a devil, tortured survivors both physically and mentally. He is convicted by his own conscience, a conscience that tells him that he is responsible for killing thousands of people.

But it’s just the beginning of the nightmare. Atomic bombs can be and will be manufactured. He can’t imagine the future world threatened by these bombs. Once they are all exploded, it will be the end of human being. Atomic bombs are similar with Pandora’s Box. Once it is opened, evil spirits come out and can never be packed back.

A rose magically blossoms nearby, whiter than snow. “Rose…,” he murmured. Looking at the innocent rose full of vigor, he suddenly feel less pessimistic. “Maybe there will be some ways to control it, and perhaps there is still a gleam of hope, just like what remains at the bottom of Pandora’s Box at last.” he said to himself. He stares at the scarlet sky again and begins to ponder what to do next.

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