Thursday, June 30, 2016

First Impression of Yale

Yale gradually turns from an unfamiliar word on a map to a real-life paradise during my first few days here. I'm attracted by its magnificent buildings, diverse activities and warmhearted teachers.

Cute Squirrels on the Lawn
To begin with, the Gothic architecture exerts a peculiar fascination on me. A huge fan of Harry Potter as I am, I can always imagine I’m studying magic in Hogwarts with such medieval buildings surrounding me. The spires are reaching into the sky, the walls are just like those of ancient castles and the sculptures on the buildings are aesthetic. The dining hall, especially, is almost the same as that in Harry Potter with large flags of residential college hanging on the wall and long tables in traditional style. I always conceive of having a hearty meal with Harry, Ron, and Hermione in this Harry-Potter-like dining hall. Squirrels are playing hide-and-seek in the tall tree like elves and the ring of the bell in the evening enhances the air of mystery.

Soccer in the Late Afternoon

Besides, various activities add color to the routine of daily life. Before coming Yale, what I expected was still a dull school life in Chinese style, just making round trips between classrooms and dormitory. No sooner had I arrived here, I was attracted by the colorful school life. I had fun playing soccer with people from all over the world and experienced exotic hula dance in the dancing class. We will even have a barbecue and go swimming on Friday and how I regret not bringing my bathing suit! 
My Dormitory in Berkeley College

Furthermore, teachers are so friendly and considerate that they always put themselves in other’s shoes. When my friends and I arrived at school late because of the delay of the plane, the first thing they did was not forcing us to handle the registration work but kindly helping us to get breakfast in the dining hall. I was deeply touched when Carrie offered us water one by one, which is almost unthinkable in China. Their consoling words relieved our anxiety and unrest after two nights of waiting in the airport. During the interview, my examiner thoughtfully advised me to have a sound sleep at night after hearing my exhausting experience on the way to the US.

Yale really leaves a fantastic impression on me with its exquisite architectures, colorful school life and kindhearted teachers. I do hope I will cherish every beautiful day and live my life to the fullest here. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a very strong first essay which causes me to look very forward to your future work. I appreciate the effort and energy you put into this as well as the sensitivity you show within it. And I LOVE your blog's background...please show me how you did that.
